Epworth Therapeutic Foster Care program places foster youth experiencing trauma into safe, loving homes.

Epworth Therapeutic Foster Care Program focuses on placing foster youth ages birth through 20 with special needs and complex trauma into safe, loving homes with specially trained foster parents. With around-the-clock support from Epworth case managers and therapists, foster parents in therapeutic foster care are able to provide a level of service and care that exceeds traditional foster homes and help youth in the program begin to heal, grow, and thrive at their own pace.

Through comprehensive diagnoses and stability, youth can begin to heal.

Referrals to Epworth Therapeutic Foster Care Program come primarily from within the three agencies that make up the Children’s Permanency Partnership. The program is open to families of all sizes and youth of all ages. Both foster youth and parents receive extensive support as Epworth case managers visit therapeutic foster homes on a weekly basis and remain available 24/7.