Epworth Foster Care Case Management
Because each child and teen deserves a loving, stable home.
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Epworth Foster Care Case Management program matches displaced youth with families best able to provide a safe, stable home.
Epworth Foster Care Case Management Program is a part of a three-agency collaboration called Children’s Permanency Partnership (CPP). With Epworth and CPP’s combined dedication, expertise and resources, foster youth ages birth through 20 are matched with families best able to provide a safe, stable home and meet their unique needs as they seek to develop trust, a sense of belonging, and lifelong skills leading to independence and personal strength.
Epworth’s foster youth benefit from a committed, caring support system.
Referrals to Epworth Foster Care Case Management Program come directly from the State of Missouri for youth who have been the subject of abuse and/or neglect. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide foster youth with permanent homes, either through reunification with their families, when possible and appropriate, or adoption by individuals or couples who have made the life-giving decision to open their homes and hearts to a foster youth.